Compare Releases


Note: breaking changes are no longer listed as this overview was unreliable for that. Make sure to read the version specific upgrades notes for guidance.

Breaking Changes

Breaking changes in version 7.6.7

Release Notes

Notes for version 7.6.7


"Template experience update"

  • New script and template editors
  • New Colors
  • Improved content/media/member picker experience
  • Support for list view pickers
  • New “UDI” ids for unique relation between umbraco items
  • Improved security defaults

Read the blog post about the 7.6.0 release.


Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide - there may be some breaking changes for you in this release.

Important if you are upgrading an existing site: for the best results:

  1. In web.config do NOT change useLegacyEncoding to false if it is currently set to true - changing the password encoding will cause you not being able to log in any more
  2. In umbracoSettings.config leave EnablePropertyValueConverters set to false - this will help your existing content queries to still work
  3. In tinyMceConfig.config make sure to remove <plugin loadOnFrontend="true">umbracolink</plugin> so that the rich text editor works as it should