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  • Sudipta Das 13 posts 104 karma points
    Nov 07, 2014 @ 06:54
    Sudipta Das

    Failing to find content within Umbraco nodes


    I have a requirement where I have to search articles under a specific section within Umbraco and return the best possible match (from keywords entered). The code block I am using is below:

    The part where I am using (x => Convert.ToString(x.GetPropertyValue("metaKeywords")).ToLower().Contains(SearchTerm)) within FirstOrDefault() the code fails. If I remove it the page works fine. But this is a completely valid line of code. Whay it would fail on this line?

    if (SearchType == "licence")


    var articles = Umbraco.Content(1080).Descendants();


    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchTerm))


    if (Request["licenceSearchKeywordsId"] != null)


    string SearchId = Convert.ToString(Request["licenceSearchKeywordsId"]);

    if (SearchId.Length > 0 && SearchId != "0")


                    // This line works perfectly fine, I can get result and redirect to the page

    var result = articles.Where("Visible && DocumentTypeAlias == \"GenericContentArticle\" && Id = " + SearchId + "").FirstOrDefault();

    if (result != null)








    SearchTerm = SearchTerm.ToLower();

                // Here it fails, if I remove [x => Convert.ToString(x.GetPropertyValue("metaKeywords")).ToLower().Contains(SearchTerm)] part from the line then the error is resolved.

    var result1 = articles.Where("Visible && DocumentTypeAlias == \"GenericContentArticle\"").FirstOrDefault(x => Convert.ToString(x.GetPropertyValue("metaKeywords")).ToLower().Contains(SearchTerm));

    if (result1 != null)








    I will really appreciate, if you suggest a solution or direct me to one.



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