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Favorite Content Install package

Project owner:
Matt Brailsford
Package downloads
Package karma
This project is compaitible with
.NET Version:
Supports Medium Trust: No
09 September 2010
Current version


Due to the number of packages I now have to maintain, I am looking at dropping support for a number of older packages, this of which is one of them. If you would like to see support for this package continue, please consider contributing. 



This packages adds a Favorites node to the content tree to allow you to favorite commonly edited nodes, thus allowing you to navigate to them much easier.

This package is great for larger sites where you have many nested pages, but commonly editing pages lower down in the structure.

How To Use

Simply install the package and you should now get a Favorites node in the content tree. To add to favorites select Add To Favorites from the context menu. To remove a favorite, select Remove From Favorites in the context menu.


Due to some issues with package actions, this package is currently unable to clean up after uninstall. To clean up manually, do the following:

  1. Remove rest extension from /config/restExtensions.config
  2. Delete db table extFavorites
  3. Delete row from db table umbracoAppTree where appTreeAlias is favorites
  4. Delete row from db table umbracoAppTree where appTreeAlias is content
  5. Update row in db table umbracoAppTree where appTreeAlias is content_old setting treeInitialize to true and appTreeAlias to content

Bugs & Issues

This package currently replaces the default content tree, so upgrades may break favorites functionality, however it shouldn't stop your site from working.

Please raise any issues on the forum below. All feedback is welcome and appreciated.
