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  • Martin Robinson 40 posts 61 karma points
    May 24, 2013 @ 15:51
    Martin Robinson

    Best Starter Kit for software license webshop?

    Today I bought my Tea-Commerce licence - so far so good!

    I read Rune's excellent tutorial about building a read-made software license webshop: but now I am confused about whether I need to start my site from scratch again (installing the starter kit on a clean Umbraco site) or whether I can manually add the parts I need.

    Also, if I do have to start from scratch again, should I start using the Tea-Commerce Starter Kit ( or the License Webshop starter kit as per above link? My site will be selling software licences as opposed to physical product.

    I already have some pages/macros built up in a current site but I am prepared to copy/paste those back in if I have to start from a clean build.

    Confused. Please help.


  • Rune Grønkjær 1371 posts 3102 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 08:38
    Rune Grønkjær

    Hi Martin,

    Are your current website made with Tea Commerce 2? I that is the case all you need to do is fit the my tutorial on how to create a license webshop to Tea Commerce 2. The code not using the Tea Commerce API will work fine, so you will need to use the new v2 API. To hook into the Tea Commerce 2 events you need to use the approach below.

    using TeaCommerce.Api.Models;
    using Umbraco.Core;
    using ApiNotifications = TeaCommerce.Api.Notifications;
    namespace TeaCommerce.Examples.Notifications {
      public class BasicNotificationExample : IApplicationEventHandler {
        public void OnApplicationInitialized( UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext ) { }
        public void OnApplicationStarting( UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext ) { }
        public void OnApplicationStarted( UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext ) {
          ApiNotifications.NotificationCenter.Order.OrderFinalized += OrderOnOrderFinalized;
        private void OrderOnOrderFinalized( Order order ) {
          //Do license stuff here

    If you are using Tea Commerce 1. You can just implement the tutorial into your existing site.


  • Martin Robinson 40 posts 61 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 09:57
    Martin Robinson

    Hi Rune,

    That's really useful - thank you.

    There are holes in my knowledge still - I've attended the Level 1 and Level 2 Umbraco courses and already developed a first Umbraco website - but the TeaCommerce package is confusing partially because of the big change from V1 to V2 and partially because much of the existing TeaCommerce examples and documentation relate to V1 and not to V2. It took me a long while (too long!) to realise that the "documentation" on the TeaCommerce website (which points to your blog) was for V1 only - and now I've discovered the V2 documentation portal but this is still missing some vital aspects such as concrete examples and the .Net API documentation.

    Anyway, I am now in the process of adapting the Software License code to match the V2 version you've helped me with. There appears to be no longer an XSLTHelper class so what is the recommended method to apply XSLT to the order details to create, for example, a confirmation email (as per your example)?

    Many thanks,


  • Anders Burla 2560 posts 8256 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 11:16
    Anders Burla

    Hi Martin

    Sorry about the documentation - we are working hard to get the entire thing ready and all the examples. We will release the different docs when they are ready - so it will grow over time. I think we will correct each current blog post and show that is only for v1 of Tea Commerce.

    About the email stuff. If you have an email template which you have configured to use a Razor or XSLT file you can do like this.

    EmailTemplateService.Instance.Get( storeId, emailTemplateId).Send( order );

    This will send the email template with the order as context.

    Kind regards

  • Rune Grønkjær 1371 posts 3102 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 11:18
    Rune Grønkjær

    Actually I have just clicked through my blog posts and added a small text explaining that the article is for Tea Commerce 1.x.

    Thanks for noticing!


  • Martin Robinson 40 posts 61 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 12:43
    Martin Robinson

    Hi Anders,

    I'm beginning to appreciate the huge effort that you're making - and I really appreciate that you're working on the documentation and aiming to get it in the right structure. I'm spending some time today to try to more fully appreciate the structure and event model by working with the TeaCommerce Starter Kit - that seems to be a more standard place to start.

    My current goal is to simply have a software-licence e-commerce site through which to sell a software product. So this just needs the Software License module that Rune has been kind enough to share (I'll reply to his note in a moment) and PayPal payments (which I saw listed on the TeaCommerce features but haven't had a chance to research it further yet).

    When I looked at the various options for building e-commerce into an Umbraco site the TeaCommerce ticked all the boxes (PayPal, Software License module solution) as well as making sense commercially (one-off licence fee for a reasonable price). So if this all works out then I'll be your biggest advocate!


  • Martin Robinson 40 posts 61 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 12:45
    Martin Robinson

    Hi Rune,

    Even better - it would be wonderful if you produce a TeaCommerce 2.x version of your article!

    But thank you anyway for the original 1.x article which I found really useful in any case - hopefully I can complete the adaptation and integration fairly quickly.


  • Rune Grønkjær 1371 posts 3102 karma points
    May 27, 2013 @ 15:59
    Rune Grønkjær

    Yeah. We'll be writing more documentation on the run. Until then you are all free to ask away here at the forum!


  • Peter Rombouts 71 posts 265 karma points
    Jul 03, 2013 @ 15:22
    Peter Rombouts

    Sorry, posted in wrong topic

  • Martin Robinson 40 posts 61 karma points
    Oct 01, 2013 @ 09:50
    Martin Robinson

    Hi Anders and Rune,

    Just to finish this thread by letting you know that the site has gone live at

    This is an Umbraco/TeaCommerce site with EU VAT Number checking, custom order finalization with custom properties, software licence generation and management (including single, multiple and domain licences) and custom email templates.

    I feel now as though I have a platform on which to launch other software-based products.

    It's still early days - just launched - so I will be happy to receive any bug reports etc.

    PS: Please excuse me if I paste this to complete the various forum threads I started over the past few months!


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