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  • Brendan Rice 538 posts 1100 karma points
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 21:21
    Brendan Rice

    Upgrade issue

    I'm trying to upgrade from 2.3.1 to 2.5 using Nuget (VS package manager not console). Umbraco version is 7.5.8.

    The upgrade seems to work fine and doesn't complain about anything but when I launch the app I get the following error:

    I thought this might have something to do with the web.config, the following configSections have a reference to the older DLLs:

    <section name="fasttrack" type="Merchello.FastTrack.Configuration.FastTrackSection, Merchello.FastTrack, Version=2.3.6186.24382, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />
    <section name="merchello" type="Merchello.Core.Configuration.Outline.MerchelloSection, Merchello.Core, Version=2.3.6186.26006, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

    After I update the Version to 2.5, I still see the error.

    I set break on all errors in VS and it breaks on all.generated.cs at the following line:

        /// Featured Products: A list of featured products
        public Merchello.Web.Models.Ui.Rendering.ProductContentListView FeaturedProducts
            get { return this.GetPropertyValue<Merchello.Web.Models.Ui.Rendering.ProductContentListView>("featuredProducts"); }

    When I go to the Umbraco back office and view the homepage that has the featured products on it (which seems to be causing the issue), I see the following (notice the errors in the dev tools console):

    When in the back office I type the the following into console it says undefined:


    Any ideas why the upgrade would fail with this message or if I am doing the upgrade wrong?

  • Brendan Rice 538 posts 1100 karma points
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 19:47
    Brendan Rice

    After checking the Umbraco logs (\App_Data\Logs) I found the following error:

    2017-04-07 20:29:55,681 [P5756/D2/T1] ERROR Umbraco.Core.PluginManager - Error creating type LowInventoryNotificationProvider.Events.LowInventoryNotificationEvent

    This is a custom event. After I added the constructor it was complaining about it all worked.

    @Rusty - any ideas why the default constructor is needed?

  • Rusty Swayne 1655 posts 4993 karma points c-trib
    Apr 10, 2017 @ 16:31
    Rusty Swayne

    Hey Brendan,

    I would have to see how/where this is being thrown. It's odd that the error is reporting from the Umbraco PluginManager. In Merchello, the plugin manager is used to resolve types, but these are generally wrapped into a resolver which would handle the instantiation via Merchello's ActivatorHelper (which is different that Umbraco's Activator helper).

    The default constructor would be used if the Activator tries to instantiate a class without specifically identifying the constructor -

  • Timothy Lee Russell 20 posts 43 karma points c-trib
    May 03, 2018 @ 09:00
    Timothy Lee Russell

    In my case, this identical chain of errors happened as well but the underlying error turned out to be different.

    These symptoms are the result of Merchello not initializing correctly. I had to look a bit farther back in the logs to where it failed.

    In my case, it was much earlier in the spin-up process for Merchello due to encrypted entries in the MerchGatewayProviderSettings table.

    I had a key/value pair that had been encrypted on one machine and couldn't be decrypted on the other. I found several threads asking about this from various angles.

    I replaced the encrypted value with an empty <extendedData /> element and set EncryptExtendedData to false and was able to access the backoffice interface for Mercello again.

    At that point, the data could be re-entered and then encrypted local to the server.

    Note! I have read you may have issues on Azure unless you specify the machine key in the web.config, which sounds right--further research required--but current mystery solved.

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