9 votes

Cogworks CogItemUsage

v2 docs:

This package does two things:

- It provides a datatype that will list all the other documents where the document is referenced.  This could be a link in a multi tree node picker or an internal link in a piece of content.

- It overrides the default delete method to show a dialog displaying these referencing documents and asks the user to confirm.


After installing the package, create a new data type of type “umbraco user control wrapper”

To enable the usage data when deleting content, name the new data type 

“Item Usage Datatype”  

Point the usercontrol field to usercontrols/ItemUsageDatatype.ascx and click save. This will present all the properties in a checkbox list.

After setting up the datatype you can create a property on a document that uses this datatype to display where the document is used.

The delete menu item on context menu will automatically show a dialog displaying this data before the user can delete it. 

The final step is to rebuild your internal index to ensure the package can search for references.


Many thanks to developers from screen media for the update to the data type settings and the delete confirmation action.


This package can be installed over the original v1.


V 1 docs:


This datatype will for a given document list all places where the content is used. This could be a link in a multi tree node picker or an internal link in a piece of content. 


After installing the data type create a new data type of type umbraco user control wrapper. Point the usercontrol field to usercontrols/ItemUsageDatatype.ascx. Click save, this will then present the following properties: 

CSV list of lucene field aliases Field aliases that you want to search on. The aliases will be the same as the aliases used in the document types with one exception. Any rich text edit fields must be prefixed with rteLink so if you have a field called bodyText then the search field will be rteLinkbodyText 
Header text for listing table Text to display before results 
No results found message

Show on load If set to 1 then everytime a page is viewed the find usage query will run. If set to 0 then a button will show and user will need to click to get list of items using current item 

After setting up the datatype add the data type to a page preferably though not essential under properties tab. The next step is to rebuild your internal index if internal index is not rebuilt then searching will not work on rich text edit fields. Rebuilding index will for rich text edit fields get content and format into a new field any internal links into format that is searchable. 




Package owner

Ismail Mayat

Ismail Mayat

Ismail has 10091 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Ismail Mayat
  • Created: 16/01/2012
  • Current version 2.0
  • .NET version 4.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 1.3K

External resources