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  • Aditya 24 posts 128 karma points
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 20:41

    Any good books for Umbraco?

    I've been learning Umbraco by setting up a site, reading the docs, blog posts, and so on. I've made good progress, but it's a bit clunky navigating between all the various resources.

    I'd love to read a good book that teaches Umbraco 7+. Something like the ASP.NET MVC Pro Series of books. I can't find anything on Amazon more recent than the Umbraco User's Guide (1st edition) from 2011.

    Does anyone know of a good book? Or even a Pluralsight/Lydia course (there are a couple on Pluralsight, but they're fairly basic)

    Caveats - I program as a hobby, this isn't my job. I don't need to learn Umbraco to support/build sites for a living - I just enjoy learning new things and playing with code. This is why the official Umbraco training is way overkill for me.

  • Dennis Aaen 4500 posts 18255 karma points admin hq c-trib
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 20:58
    Dennis Aaen

    Hi Aditya,

    Another way to learn about Umbraco CMS could be watching the videos on Umbraco TV. these videos shows the basic concepts of how Umbraco CMS works.

    Some of the videos are free to watch and some requires that you subscribe the Umbraco TV service.

    Another good way is also just to ask questions on Our. We are the friendliest CMS, and there are lot of developers in here who love to help each other.

    Hope this can help you learn Umbraco CMS.


  • Aditya 24 posts 128 karma points
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 21:05

    Hey Dennis,

    Yeah, I did try Umbraco TV, and the videos were helpful. I haven't tried the paid videos yet, do you recommend that? Are the videos updated and a good way to learn? I don't mind subscribing for a couple of months (costs about as much as a decent book).

    I do wish someone would write a good book about Umbraco 7+, though. Nothing like spending a few hours with a book, some coffee, and Visual Studio.

    And I also wish (while I'm wishing) that Umbraco moves to .Net Core real soon. SQL Server is on Linux now, and moving to core would open the doors to hosting on Linux. It's going to happen, I know.

    Thanks for responding :)

  • Dennis Aaen 4500 posts 18255 karma points admin hq c-trib
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 21:19
    Dennis Aaen

    Hi Aditya,

    I can tell you the way I learned Umbraco CMS back when I was new was by watching the videos on Umbraco TV, and you can find videos that explains Razor syntax and how to work with Razor and ect.

    Besides watching videos I also learned Umbraco CMS was by setup two Umbraco installations. One where I installed a starter kit, and one empty installation.

    Then I worked on my website in the empty installation. When I had any doubts about how I did some specific things, then I could watch videos or look at the installation with the starter kit and do something similar.

    And of cause I asked a lot of questions in here to learn more about Umbraco CMS or how to do a specific thing. I could be how to get children of the page that I am watching in the browser.

    Remember no questions are to stupid to be asked. If you don´t know the answer then you don´t know, even though how simple the question must be.

    You will always get a postiv answer from the users on Our. We have different plans on Umbraco TV. Which you can find here.



  • Nicholas Westby 2054 posts 7100 karma points c-trib
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 21:11
    Nicholas Westby

    This is the closest thing I suspect you'll find to an updated book for Umbraco:

    That should at least serve as a very good primer.

  • Aditya 24 posts 128 karma points
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 21:18

    Ah this is very useful. I just skimmed through a dozen-odd pages and I learnt a few new things. Thank you

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