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  • Sebastian Dammark 581 posts 1405 karma points
    Jul 10, 2019 @ 09:20
    Sebastian Dammark

    Show static content from Azure Blob Storage, on a page in Umbraco ?

    I have a problem.

    I've moved a website from some custom hosting to Umbraco Cloud, and everything works flawless. Except one thing.

    In the root of the website they have a folder with a static documentation website. The website is protected through a web.config file like this.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <deny users="?" />

    On the old website they maintained this folder through FTP, but this is clearly not possible on Cloud. So for now the client updates the content through KUDU. Yes, I know it's not the best solution.

    The content of the folder is mostly PDFs and some html files, and in the past the client actually uploaded all files every time they've updated anything. In total it's approximately 5GB, and growing.

    For now, I've managed to get them to only upload the changed files. But my problem is that one of the files is actually a zip, and it's rather huge. More than 2GB.

    First problem is that when you upload a zip in KUDU, it will try to unzip it, which it shouldn't in this case.

    Second problem is that a file of this size never completes the upload, it simply never finishes. It gives a timeout.

    So my thought was to host the content of the folder like this:

    And then somehow show the content of the storage container on a page in Umbraco.

    This way the client can maintain the content through Azure Storage Explorer, and I could get it all out of the Umbraco Cloud repository.

    Any input on something like this ?

  • Søren Kottal 702 posts 4497 karma points MVP 5x c-trib
    Jul 10, 2019 @ 20:52
    Søren Kottal

    That should definately be possible.

    You can link directly to files on Azure so maybe that is the easiest way. You can have your client point a subdomain to the CDN and have a url like

    or you could go without the cdn and just serve the file from the blob. Heres an example form one of mine:

    You could also get Umbraco to stream the files like the filesystemproviders do, but the other way around is way easier :)

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