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  • Jeremy Tolsdorf 4 posts 24 karma points
    Jan 05, 2010 @ 17:11
    Jeremy Tolsdorf

    PDCalendar - Parse error in PDCTableCalendar.xslt

    I have successfully installed PDCalendar (, thanks to PeterD for a great package!  I am having trouble with setting up my first calendar, though.

    I have tried following PeterD's instructions, but all I ever see is "Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\PDCTableCalendar.xslt", so I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  My setup is as follows:


    • Clean 4.0 installation
    • Installed PDCalendar
    • Added an "Events Calendar" doc type with associated template (this template has the PDTableCalendar macro)
    • Added an "Event" doc type with one property: event of type PDCalendar
    • Added a content page using the Events Calendar template
    • Added a child content page to the Events Calendar using the Event template
    • Set a start date for the Event page
    • Saved and published both pages


    I've tried modifying the PDCTableCalendar.xslt to reference different node names (event, Event, Event Calendar) but I continue to see the same error message.

    I found this post, which seemed helpful:  It references a days.xml file within the Scripts folder, which I did not have after package installation.  I added it manually using the patter that PeterD refers to, but I continue to receive the parsing error.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or past experiences with this type of error?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  • Jeremy Tolsdorf 4 posts 24 karma points
    Jan 05, 2010 @ 18:14
    Jeremy Tolsdorf


    When I try to modify my PDCTableCalendar.xslt file, I receive the following exception:

    Cannot find the script or external object that implements prefix 'urn:pdcalendar'

    I previously used a text editor to modify the XSLT file manually, rather than using Umbraco.  I must be doing something blatantly wrong.

    Thank you,


  • Sebastiaan Janssen 5046 posts 15479 karma points MVP admin hq
    Jan 05, 2010 @ 18:43
    Sebastiaan Janssen

    I think the solution is probably quite simple, you need to import the XSLT extension's namespace in your XSLT file. So the lines before <xsl:output should read:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY nbsp "&#x00A0;"> ]>
        xmlns:pdcalendar ="urn:pdcalendar"
        exclude-result-prefixes="msxml exslt date umbraco.library pdcalendar">

    Notice the xmlns:pdcalendar and exclude-result-prefixes addition.

    If you create a new file in the Umbraco backend, these get added automatically, after you create the file the first time, you can start editing them in any editor that you like.

  • Peter Dijksterhuis 1442 posts 1722 karma points
    Jan 05, 2010 @ 18:53
    Peter Dijksterhuis

    Hi Jeremy,

    you might want to check the xsltExtensions.config file in the config-folder.

    My guess is that there's something missing, it should contain a line:

    <ext assembly="/bin/PDCalendar" type="PDCalendar.library" alias="pdcalendar" />
    Upon installation it tries to add it, but on most systems, the config-folder is read-only.

  • Jeremy Tolsdorf 4 posts 24 karma points
    Jan 05, 2010 @ 21:50
    Jeremy Tolsdorf

    Wow, thank you guys so much for the help.

    @Sebastiaan, I really appreciate the insight!

    @Peter, that solved it!  I can't tell you the excitement at finally seeing a calendar control render.  Thank you so much for your help and cool control.  I can't wait to start working with it now.

    I'm new to Umbraco and XSLT, but am familiar with XML and am picking it up as fast as I can.  This really is an amazing CMS, one that I plan to use for a number of clients in the future.

    Thanks again,


  • Peter Dijksterhuis 1442 posts 1722 karma points
    Jan 05, 2010 @ 22:02
    Peter Dijksterhuis

    Glad you have it working now :)

    Don't hesitate to throw in new questions if you get stuck somewhere. Plenty of nice people around here to help you out :)


  • David McElroy 9 posts 29 karma points
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 12:18
    David McElroy

    I know this thread is old, but i had a similar issue after installing PDCalendar on 4.5.1. When i tried to edit an XSLT file it complained about PDCalendar.dll in bin/bin/PDCalendar.dll. Seems it was looking in bin the bin again. I removed bin/ from the xsltExtensions.config file and left just assembly="/PDCalendar" and all XSLT worked again

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