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  • Travis Schoening 47 posts 173 karma points
    Jul 01, 2017 @ 02:03
    Travis Schoening

    Not able to get Cdn Url using AzureCDNToolkit

    I've been successful in setting up UmbracoFileSystemProviders.Azure and also utilizing an Azure Cdn. If I statically request the url the CDN is performing as expected.

    Naturally I want to use something like the AzureCDNToolkit so I can utilize that functionality in my templates.

    My current page template uses @Url.GetCropUrl and works perfectly. Specifically my line of code is:

    @Url.GetCropUrl(Model.Content, "photo", "Cover")

    and that resolves to an image src from the root '/media/xxxx' etc.. works perfect.

    I have installed the AzureCDNToolkit through Nuget, updated the web.config values appropriately. And when I try to change GetCropUrl to GetCropCdnUrl I receive the following error:

    Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS1928: 'System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'GetCropCdnUrl' and the best extension method overload 'Our.Umbraco.AzureCDNToolkit.UrlHelperRenderExtensions.GetCropCdnUrl(System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper, Umbraco.Web.Models.ImageCropDataSet, int?, int?, string, string, int?, Umbraco.Web.Models.ImageCropMode?, Umbraco.Web.Models.ImageCropAnchor?, bool, bool, string, string, Umbraco.Web.Models.ImageCropRatioMode?, bool, bool)' has some invalid arguments

    Anyone have an idea on why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?

    Many thanks!

  • Arlan Galvez 44 posts 175 karma points
    Jun 12, 2018 @ 16:02
    Arlan Galvez


    Anything about this? Did you resolve this issue?

    We have the same issues in our app.

    Thank you

  • Craig Richards 17 posts 75 karma points
    May 19, 2020 @ 14:38
    Craig Richards


    Old now I know, but did either of you manage to resolve this as I'm having the same issue?

    Regards, Craig

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