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  • Phillip Turner 98 posts 412 karma points
    Dec 04, 2014 @ 15:25
    Phillip Turner

    Ajax.BeginForm acting weird MVC v6.2.0

    Hello Umbracians!

    I have a very small Ajax form using MVC. The form fires the Controller as expected and when it hits Model.IsValid method, it returns false as expected and fires the Json Success = false line.

    Problem is, the view does not handle the Json response it returns this with the Json response printed out as text "{"success":false}":


    I am using the exact same code in a v6.1.6 instance of Umbraco and it works perfectly. So when I looked a the HTML code for the working page and the non working page, I noticed that the form was created differently for 6.1.6 vs 6.2.0

    Form for v6.1.6

    <form action=/umbraco/Surface/QuickContact/MESQuickContactPost data-ajax="true" data-ajax-failure="ShowErrorQuickMsg()" data-ajax-method="POST" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success="ShowSuccessQuickMsg()" data-ajax-update="#submit-status-quick" id="frmQuickContact" method="post">
    <div>Input Stuff Here</div>
        function ShowErrorQuickMsg() {
            $("#submit-status-quick").html("Oops, there was an Error")
        function ShowSuccessQuickMsg() {
            $("#submit-status-quick").html("Message sent successfully");

    But this is what is generated from 6.2.0

    <form action=/umbraco/Surface/DimeContactForm/SubmitContactFormAction id="frmContactForm" method="post" onclick="Sys.Mvc.AsyncForm.handleClick(this, new Sys.UI.DomEvent(event));" onsubmit="Sys.Mvc.AsyncForm.handleSubmit(this, new Sys.UI.DomEvent(event), { insertionMode: Sys.Mvc.InsertionMode.replace, httpMethod: &#39;POST&#39;, updateTargetId: &#39;submit-status&#39;, onFailure: Function.createDelegate(this, ShowErrorMsg()), onSuccess: Function.createDelegate(this, ShowSuccessMsg()) });">
    <div>Input Stuff Here</div>
        function ShowErrorMsg() {
            $("#submit-status").html("Oops, there was an Error")
        function ShowSuccessMsg() {
            $("#submit-status").html("Message sent successfully");

    Did I do something wrong?

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